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Historical Pictures of Historic Personalities

Updated: Nov 15, 2020

Two other stalwarts of Old Faridabad and of course my father's best friend. Dr. Lakshmi Datt Sharma. and his father Pandit Krishan Datt Sharma. As i mentioned previously in the narrative. Great sons of the city had Piyaoo named after him. Our morning walks were not complete without stopping at the baag and piyaoo and temple. Dr. "Lakha" as uncle was dearly called showered his love on me the youngest son of his best friend.

Pamdit Krishan Datt's Mango Orchard is gone but a street is now named in his memory.

Mr. and Mrs. Chander Prakash Gupta. Businessman and Pioneer who started A Private School in Faridabad so the children would not have to go to NIT for their schooling. Remarkable pioneering effort. Faridabad Public School. Request others to forward if they have school or childhood pictures or Parents' pictures.

Swargiya Sh. Hakeem Tek Chand Ji : The father figure for the whole city. Impeccable clinical acumen and Bedside Manner so mild that he could be a saint. !!

Smt Satya Saluja : The immensely cheerful and philanthropist leader who later became the inspiration for satyasaluja foundation.

A Young Sh Dev Raj Choudhry with former Haryana CM Rao Virender Singh

Sh Vas Dev Saluja : Progressed the Growth of the family and the Banner of TCS and Sons with great Aplomb

Rai Tara Chand Saluja ; Started the Saluja Dynasty in Faridabad Old

Sh. Agya Ram Vohra: The Founder of Vohra Commercial College. (Hope to Get a Clearer Image soon)

Late Sh Dev Raj Choudhry, President Munical Committee Faridabad Old

Late Lala Kuria Mal Ji Faridabad Old.

Late Sh Ratan Lal Garg Ji , Faridabad Old

Late Sh. Dev Raj Choudhry and Late Sh. Laxmi Grover, Advocate with President Giani Zail Singh Ji

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Request to all the readers. Please forward any Pictures of the Old Faridabad from the period 1960s onwards that depicts the historical views of the Bazar, important activities, festivals,or life in general, People from different walks of life. School, hospital, arya samaj mandir, talaab any landmarks.

Please forward the pictures to thank you.

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